Recent Safum Free VPN reviews : Page 164

  • 12.12.2022

    Had it for years… on 4 computers both apple and pc. fast and easy. no problems. access to many nations servers. highly recommended.

  • 12.12.2022

    Покупал ВПН за сущие копейки. Просто купил аккаунт, а не ключ… Супер классный впн. Ну работал. Сейчас время переходить на другой

  • 12.12.2022

    Long-term user and alway shappy with the services provided. The extension jus makes it more readily accessible to me without having to leave my browser to switch on when needed.

  • 12.12.2022

    Been using a few of NordVPNs products for a few years now. The VPN is very good and simple to use and NordPass is also a very good password manager too.

  • 12.12.2022

    Сначала подключалось через Литву, сейчас судя по всему находит другие сервера. Пока всё работает, очень доволен.

  • 12.12.2022

    Not the cheapest but fast and reliable and works with many sites that are blocked by lower cost rivals.

  • 11.12.2022

    I was using this for a long time and skip through Iran censorship,i mean come on we can’t even access youtube! 2 days ago it stops working, it connected to servers without issue but can’t load anything. zenmate proxy chrome extension and similar others like: cyberghost, browsec, … have the same problem. i tried firefox extension nothing works. i don’t know how government can block the passageway of proxies. please let us know what’s going on, or if there is some hope for us. thank you zenmate sincerly this section is for iranian users: بچه های ایرانی که اینو می خونید به نظر می رسه حکومت راه دسترسی به پراکسی ها رو مسدود کرده، چون وی پی ان ها کار می کنن اما پراکسی ها نه و این اکستنشن های مرورگر ها از پراکسی استفاده می کنن.

  • 11.12.2022

    All Gogel vpn extension Super Best extension ( Browser VPN ) Un block all block web site.super fast super easy super free downlod and free enjoy

  • 11.12.2022

    بجا اینکه به نت ملی سلام بدید اعتراض کنید!!!!!!!!!!!! یعنی به جرات هرچی پفیوز تو دنیا هست جمع شدن شدن یکاره تو این خراب شده

  • 11.12.2022

    well it worked great until a few days ago(in iran, idk about any other country) i think they’re done with freeloaders. XD which makes sense and i have no complaints since i’m one of those moochers.