Recent Safum Free VPN reviews : Page 384

  • 13.9.2021

    I have almost searched for every VPN on the Chrome web store, but every one of them has its limitations. Some can only get connected to not more than 5 countries, some only allow you to connect for a limited time, and others are simply paid. To avoid having limitations in those VPN’s, you need to buy their premium subscription, but it is not the same with Hola. I don’t know how Hola lets you connect with all the countries in the world for free, but so far, I have to say that this is the best VPN available on the Chrome web store. It is totally free, and you can connect to any country you like in the world for free with an amazingly good server connection speed. If you need a free VPN, I strongly recommend you going for Hola.

  • 13.9.2021

    HubVPN - лучший VPN, который я когда-либо использовал. Сервер работает довольно хорошо и быстро, я использую его уже некоторое время, и мне очень понравилось, как он работает. Он также довольно прост в использовании. Расширение работает очень хорошо, и оно произвело на меня сильное впечатление. Большое спасибо за этот потрясающий VPN, мне он очень понравился, и я хотел бы рекомендовать его всем.

  • 13.9.2021

    Perfect extension to make Mediafire accessible. I can’t believe they banned Philippines for no reason!

  • 12.9.2021

    I am really impressed with this VPN, It is very easy to use ad so easy to understand as well, The server works pretty well and fast, I have been using it for a while now and I really loved the way it works, Thank you for such an amazing vpn, I loved it and I wanna recommend it to everyone.

  • 12.9.2021

    Добрый день. В наше время никак не обойтись без надежного VPN-сервиса, с помощью которого можно обходить блокировку нужных сайтов. Сервис HubVPN радует стабильной работой, простотой в использовании…1 щелчок мыши, и приложение активировано и теперь доступны все сайты, которые ограничены в вашем регионе. Конечно удобно. Хотелось бы иметь такое расширение для других браузеров тоже. Так же из плюсов отмечу такие важные моменты, как защита данных и безопасное использование точек wi-fi. Спасибо разработчикам. Ставлю 5 звезд.

  • 12.9.2021

    This is the best Vpn I have ever used, It is very easy to use, I have been using it for a long time now and I am very impressed with the way it works, This vpn is excellent in every way, it provides us a great service, The paid subscription is worth it and I really loved it. I recommend it

  • 12.9.2021

    oh my gosh its working!!! it turned out to be super easy even for such a dumb as i am . thank you guys. now i can watch my fav russian shows in the us .

  • 11.9.2021

    Best Experience I’ve ever had, both available in PC and Mobile. No complicated procedures such as Account Creation or Subscription needed, just install and use. Best VPN I’ve come across, it serves its purpose marvelously in times of need, not only is it simple to use but also responsive and fast. I would absolutely recommend Ultrasurf Web Extension to anyone I meet.

  • 11.9.2021

    It’s pretty good cause it’s make my internet better than.So i vote this App fo 5 stars.Thanks to the developes

  • 11.9.2021

    5 star app because most of the VPN’s work. Neither on Firefox or Chrome I can’t find a Czech VPN. Is it possible to add this to the add-on? Also, on Chrome & Firefox for the moment the Russian VPN doen’t work anymore. Is it possible to fix this? Thanks in advance!