Recent Safum Free VPN reviews : Page 470

  • 27.4.2021

    Mostly works perfectly without any input from me. On the odd occasion that issues arose, their support team were attentive and all problems were fixed reasonably quickly. i use it as an extension of Chrome on a Mac and it works fine.

  • 27.4.2021

    Very Simple to use, fine connectivity and free, its just that sometimes you have to disable and unable it to run properly, hope devs look into that otherwise good product, very satisfied

  • 27.4.2021

    首先评论下~的确很不错,用了这款有一两年了估计!一开始用的是360的穿越3,后来不能用了,找到了Astar VPN,一直用着不错,上次更新的时候还出了点小插曲,哈哈哈!不过后来又好了! (ps:有个小小的请求,希望有开发者或者了解的兄弟们解答下!昨晚下班后,今天回来就不能用了!现在用的是其他的在看评论,希望了解下是什么情况!求求了~pls~)

  • 27.4.2021

    Начал пользоваться данной программой недавно, полёт нормальный. Пока всё радует, скорость держит отлично, что очень даже важно, вполне реально выбрать не нагруженный прокси сервер. Oднo из дoстoинств - нaличие в бесплaтнoй версии нескoльких вaриaнтoв стрaн, нa территoрии кoтoрых рaспoлoжены серверa, чтo oчень удoбнo. Стoит oтметить, чтo чем дaльше сервер oт стрaны вaшегo пребывaния, тем медленнее скoрoсть пoдключения. Этo следует иметь ввиду.

  • 27.4.2021

    Работает отлично. Пользуюсь программой около 3-5 месяце и очень доволен. Пока очень даже радует, держит скорость, что очень важно, выбрать не загруженный прокси сервер вполне реально. Посмотрим как долго будут держать марку, пока пользуемся и радуемся.

  • 27.4.2021

    Soo good. I have been trying to bypass school web blocks for years and this is the only thing that has worked.

  • 27.4.2021

    best vpn ever seen. I’ve been using it for more than a year and I have no such complaint about it. Good job touch vpn developers keep it up.

  • 27.4.2021

    Ive tried a lot of free VPN’s, and they were all scams and had fake reviews. When I tried this I didn’t have high hopes, but it literally works perfectly. A little too good to be true if I’m gonna be honest. everything works amazing and I’m still waiting for a catch. Wonderful, and I will use everyday.

  • 27.4.2021

    I’m very pleased with this VPN. Most VPN extensions makes the navigation slower than usual, but with this one, the experience has been satisfactory. You can see that this extension was developed by a professional team, and is very intuitive to use. I also like the possibility to visit a lot of pages that unfortunately are blocked by the government of my country. So I couldn´t be happier!

  • 26.4.2021

    Basarılı Sınırsız En Iyısı Tek Problem Sadece Tek bır Sıte Uzerınde Calıs Komutu Vermeyın Seceneklerden Ozaman Kendını Durduruyor Tum Sıtelerde Kalmalı Calısma Basladıkdan Sonra Sınırlama Koyabılırsınız Oncelıkle Kodlamaları Fazlasıyla Inceledım Sızı Yonlendırme Gıbı Bır durum Mevcut DEGIL ‘unsafe-inline’ ‘unsafe-eval Kodları Ancak Sızde Buyuk Bır Delık Acar Oradan Sonra Sorumluluk Sızındır Gırdıgınız Sıtelerde Tıkladıgınız Bır Uzantı Bılmıyorsanız Basınıza Dert Acabılır Ona Gore Dıkkatlı Olun