Recent Safum Free VPN reviews : Page 565

  • 3.10.2020

    tres bon vpn, la version gratuit est efficace et amplement suffisant pour moi qui ne l’utilise pas tout le temps.

  • 3.10.2020

    It’s good It seems the Russian guys have outsmarted you. No offense… but you better improve the app cause it may look nice but isn’t worth your effort if it doesn’t serve the purpose. Thanks!

  • 1.10.2020

    This is very helpful! to tell you the truth I was very frustrated about vpn apps coz of slow speed and it was very expensive and I randomly found out this vpn app and I ment it if i say it helps a lot! good speed and one click connect.

  • 1.10.2020

    I have been using this vpn for like a month already. To my surprise it is faster than the vpn I used to pay for. I can’t believe it’s free. If you guys have trouble getting back on your server you always use, you have to double click the extension. Other than that, the extension is awesome! ****One little issue regards the extension turning off when u shutdown your device. If you have shutdown your device, it might disconnect but show you that’s it connected, so you might need to reconnect or least case reinstall. I won’t necessarily call this an issue, just a tip for those having trouble with it. *****Can’t connect to the extension? If you can’t connect to the extension after installing it, there might be a couple reasons to it. First reason, the administrator of your device my be blocking that app/extension, you can bypass it by activating a different unblocked vpn and then connect to the Astar Vpn. Another reason might be because you have some extension blocking it. Simply disable those and you should be good.

  • 1.10.2020

    Muy fácil de usar y muy cómoda. Claro tiene sus limitaciones, pero dentro de las mismas es fenomenal. Es mi VPN favorito cuando estoy en Chrome o en Firefox.

  • 1.10.2020

    Отличный VPN для интернет сёрфинга, как пользователь проживающий на Украине оценил его 5 звезд. Рекомендую. Спасибо разрабодчикам!

  • 30.9.2020

    Nearly instantenous and relaible connection. The best free vpn that you can download on google as an extension.

  • 30.9.2020

    Works perfectly on Linux and Mac… haven’t tried running it on Windows. Way easier to control the VPN with this extension.

  • 28.9.2020

    Amazing!! This is the only vpn my school hasn’t blocked that actually works!!! I love the wide range of access to the amount of severs

  • 27.9.2020

    this is a great free vpn it allows you to travel your web around the world and watch other types of Netflix love it you should get it