Recent Safum Free VPN reviews : Page 589

  • 13.4.2020

    It was the best and i loved it. I still use it and just can’t wait to see it improve to the best it can. Thanks uVPN

  • 13.4.2020

    Worked first time out the ‘Box’. Ultimate ease of set-up, there is none, just install Add-on, sign up with your email and set password. It is this simple.nFast connection speed to a reasonably large number of strategically placed servers. This is really a brilliant product the creators deserve to be recognized.nIt bypasses Country connection restrictions such as the ‘GFW’.n15th April: -nHello Onur. Note that the Firefox is now working. Chrome however is not showing servers.Still a brilliant extension. Highly recomended.

  • 13.4.2020

    I love this VPN proxy server. Our college has blocked many websites excluding social media sites. so i can have access to these using this. Thank you

  • 13.4.2020

    it the Most Powerful & lovely App that i’ve ever been seen yet… but in Iran the ISP has Blocked it :(nPlease solve this Problem,Cause we really Need it for surfing the web… tnx for everthing you did & do :D

  • 13.4.2020

    I have tried many VPNs, but this is the one I settle with. It is very easy to create my free account. This VPN is fast, reliable, many servers in different countries let me open all blocked sites, plus it does not affect or slow browsing speed.nIt is really very helpful VPN.nThanks uVPN vpn team

  • 13.4.2020

    Amazing VPN, and I would highly recommend it, easy to use and fast. You can choose servers from different countries. I’m using the free version and the Canadian server.

  • 13.4.2020

    Годный VPN. Есть большой выбор стран, и если не работает одна, то вторая или третья точно сработает. Будем юзать пока не заблокируют.

  • 13.4.2020

    Мне по работе приходится много путешествовать, и я всегда должен быть на связи, в том числе, и в социальных сетях. Впервые с проблемой недоступности Facebook я столкнулся три года назад, когда прилетел в Китай. Местные коллеги подсказали, что нужно использовать ВПН, чтобы получить IP-адрес другой страны, и тем самым, беспрепятственно общаться в Facebook. Но я не знал, какой VPN лучше. Я спросил знакомых, какой они сами используют VPN сервис: отзывы про Hub VPN были самыми лучшими. Отличная скорость, высокая безопасность, работает по всему миру. У меня одна лицензия подключена и на ноутбук, и на телефон. Где бы я ни был, это удобно. Я всегда на связи

  • 13.4.2020

    I tried many vpn extensions out of all uVPN is very fast with many free vpn servers,,good work by the team hope u continue this

  • 13.4.2020

    This program is fantastic, with it, the websites you access are hidden to the servers. When used at school you can go around the firewalls preventing access to any page. You can also download anything you want without restrictions. Overall a fantastic program.