Recent Safum Free VPN reviews : Page 659

  • 24.11.2019

    What is NOT to like? Prure VPN is AWESOME! It is great because it isnt part of the 5I’s of government spying. Pruve VPN NEVER keeps logs pf who is who!

  • 24.11.2019

    it was doing very well. but after this major internet shut down in IRAN, we are heavily limited to use any vpn service. PLZ HELP US!!! #IRAN #INTERNET

  • 23.11.2019

    Awesome customer service, if I ever have issues the customer service team never fail to sort it out for me. Makes life so much easier, worth the $s

  • 23.11.2019

    Very helpful customer care. Be it chrome extension or android app… very fluid and intuitive. Kudos to the whole team.

  • 22.11.2019

    This works great. It helps me keep some of my personal credentials secure while I’m on my employer’s network and need to access information.

  • 20.11.2019

    Absolutely does the job! Excellent at accessing blocked websites and protecting your location! Get it!

  • 18.11.2019

    Всё нормально работает до сих пор, просто некоторые пишут, что уже не работает, но лично у меня всё нормально, так же проживаю в России, а то некоторые жалуются на российских провайдеров. Есть как бесплатные сервера, так и платные, скорость более менее терпимая даже на бесплатных. В целом хорошее приложение, правда иногда вылазила какая-то кнопка снизу справа, не знал как убрать, приходилось перезапускать приложение, так как эта бесполезная кнопка только мешалась.

  • 18.11.2019

    Does it’s job. Have had some stability issues with the Chrome extension. Hope it becomes more robust. Have had to uninstall and reinstall multiple times. Otherwise OK.

  • 16.11.2019

    amazing vpn especially seeing as it is free, everyone complaining about the ads are so ungrateful and just downright stupid. buying all the servers and bandwidth needed for this would be so expensive i think they have the right to interject an ad every once in a while

  • 14.11.2019

    Permet entrar de forma segura a webs i continguts no disponibles a la teva regió, molt fàcil de fer servir.