Recent Safum Free VPN reviews : Page 670

  • 23.8.2019

    Hoxx VPN is very interesting and very effective VPN software it easily adjust with Google Chrome as an extension. It works well with medium or slow connectivity of internet also, I love this extension and I used it on a regular basis. I recommend this VPN to all of my friends

  • 22.8.2019

    Terrific extension. Now and again I have to disconnect then reconnect due to a slow server, but this is maybe twice a week. I recently had a password problem, went online chat and the problem was cleared up within 5 minutes. Awesome support!

  • 22.8.2019

    muy buena aplicacion, me sirve para el uso que le doy, pero tiene un limite en Mbs usados, o sea no te serviria para descargas pues se agotaria rapido, para lo demas va muy bien.

  • 22.8.2019

    us it to watch blocked youtube videos, gets the job done with more than enough locations to choose from

  • 21.8.2019

    Though I do mostly use only one country, this extension is quite useful. So far, best that I’ve encountered.

  • 19.8.2019

    Very useful, it took me awhile to find a vpn suitable and accessible for me, but Astar works perfectly and fluently. Cannot go wrong by installing this.

  • 19.8.2019

    This VPN is quite good, I love it because I have tried many vpns but this works and it doesn’t ask you to pay.

  • 19.8.2019

    hi Dear owner of this app that’s pretty awesome app . I am using a free 6 months trial version so impressively work . It’s such a great vpn app for using freely. Bundle of thanks. Thumbs up.

  • 18.8.2019

    Хороший vpn. Работает без проблем и бесплатно. Пользуюсь сервером в Германии уже несколько месяцев. Очень доволен. Другой ставить не пришлось.

  • 18.8.2019

    Works well as work doesn’t allow to shop online for ammo or hunting sites. This allows me to do so with ease and it doesn’t slow down my connection or spam me with ads and virus.