Recent Safum Free VPN reviews : Page 671

  • 18.8.2019

    속도가 빠르고, 안전성도 우수한 거 같습니다. 윈도우 사용은 아직 많이 안해봤는데, 모바일 환경에서는 매우 신뢰가 갑니다. 무엇보다 VPN 사용시 속도저하가 거의 느껴지지 않는 점이 매우 마음에 듭니다. 다만 가격이 조금 비싼게 단점이라면 단점이네요.

  • 17.8.2019

    I love the unlimited freedom I get, especially because I’m from the western part of Africa where almost everything on the internet seems closed to people over here

  • 16.8.2019

    В отличии от других бесплатных VPN сервисов, этот действительно работает, при чём скорость соединения вполне достаточная для просмотра любых сайтов. Управление проще не придумать! Спасибо разработчикам за работу !

  • 16.8.2019

    Express VPN works perfectly for me. I understand others are having some difficulty however, I followed the directions for installation to the letter and have had no issues at all. I wish all others the best. Possibly you could contact Customer Support if you have not done so already. God Bless you all.

  • 16.8.2019

    Does exactly what it says, albeit slower than your normal non-VPN connection, but for FREE you can’t beat it and if you upgrade to paid status your normal speed resumes.

  • 15.8.2019

    Definitely 5 stars, i just wish they can make a software for windows 10 with these same servers because my ISP clearly slowing my connection on purpose while it’s really fast with this VPN on chrome

  • 14.8.2019

    Great tool working virtually in other country this allows me to enter plataforms that I´m not able in my Country.

  • 14.8.2019

    Отличное расширение, полностью выполняет свои функции, а главное-бесплатно! Только один небольшой минус-не все сервера работают, но это, для меня лично, не проблема.

  • 11.8.2019

    ExpressVPN has worked great for me. I’m able to watch some Premier League football though not through those services that require a subscription. No surprise there. Connects and disconnects easily and rapidly. A problem arose where I couldn’t log on to a site I had been using previously, and I received excellent and immediate support from the company. It’s really interesting to watch news programs from different countries and get different opinions of world events.

  • 9.8.2019

    Отличное расширение. Всё работает без дополнительного ковыряния в настройках. И никаких рекламных блоков. Спасибо разработчику!