Recent Safum Free VPN reviews : Page 696
Пока, всё здорово! Разработчик, молодец! Не тупит, не тормозит люто скорость соединения, как это делают масса других расширений, что я перепробовал. Надеюсь, хуже не станет.
Пока Лучший Бесплатный (4 сервер) Vpn расширение который существующий на магазине хром, Плюс +Встроенный WebRTC (против утечка IP) не нужно отдельно установить, Плюс +не жрет много памяти (максимум 28мб), Плюс +Сервера достаточно скоростной Потеря скорости очень минимальный, Плюс +Автозагрузка При открытии браузера моментально включается
Love the product. Use it in my browser, from my phone and computers, and even directly from my home wifi router. Keep up the good work, PureVPN.
Good VPN but needs an update to overcome fb from blocking user posting comments in their timeline. Thanks and Keep up the good job.
Its very easy to use and it is cheaper than the rest of the vpns out there. I also found out that you can add unlimited users on the same account
A small suggestion for improvement: In firefox, the VPN is connected automatically immediately after launching the browser. I would like that would also be in my main browser Brave :)
Ultrasurf is a great vpn. But I’m using Linux Ubuntu and if this vpn was able for Ubuntu users to install (as an application) it was gonna be more better than it. Because now I only can bypass the websites censorship but if Ultrasurf became an application I can bypass all the censorship of another apps like Telegram or some apps like this.
Прост в использований,даже малоопытный юзер легко его освоит. Хорошо работает. Но для дарк нета конечно же лучше подойдет tor браузер orbot там какой нибудь ;)
I’m at high school and it is child locked soooo with this i can watch my yt videos and go on instagram thx ultra surf!
Added it today but now can reach sites that could not be reached & feel more able to navigate the internet without having to try to fix a error or??? Anyways so far so good & time will tell me if this is what I need to keep as a security & security is everything when you are on line in line of fire from attackers & hackers & wackers!Lol Steven