Recent Safum Free VPN reviews : Page 706

  • 17.12.2018

    The extension has gone through some very good upgrades and is even more usable from past versions. It works like a charm and is very handy to start my VPN tunnel when I need it. I use it at times, and then at times I use the full VPN program for my entire PC when needed. I’m writing this review from Singapore and it works well here not only to the local VPN, but also from California when I wanted to stream my Pandora music. Keep up the great work!

  • 17.12.2018

    Bypasses Circle Parental Controls! Can view anything on the internet! Just make sure you enable “VPN&Proxy” on your parents Circle, otherwise, it won’t work…. (Took me a while to figure it out)

  • 16.12.2018

    Отличный VPN! не глючит и не отваливается. Порой держит соединение даже больше ожидаемого! 5 звезд однозначно. Мобильный клиент вроде бы не бесплатный.

  • 14.12.2018

    Awesome experience on the first day . Let me see on the next days . It’s good still now . I’ll recommend anyone this extension from today’s experience . After 5 days it will be updated from my side if it is not working well then .

  • 14.12.2018

    Довольно стабильный впн, быстро подключается, скорость не жрет даже в бесплатной версии. Перепробовала много различных расширений для браузера, но это на данный момент лучшее.

  • 13.12.2018

    Love it. The only problem, at least so far, is that it is overwhelmed. The traffic becomes a little too much for it. Which, often times, shows success. Keep up the great work.

  • 12.12.2018

    This is the best VPN there is out there. When you use the VPN, without paying you get a ping of 20-90. All the other VPN like better Net have a vpn from 100-300. A pin of 20-90 while useing a VPN is great for being free.

  • 12.12.2018

    Закрыли мой любимый сайт с раздачами. Установил эту приложуху, и, вуаля, всё снова работает! Пойдё-от!

  • 12.12.2018

    first i could do nothing using my computer. some thing always blocks what i do. but after i got ULTRA SURF now i can every thing any way I want to because of ULTRA SURF’S advanced proxy network.THIS APP IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 10.12.2018

    i love this ………this is very very very very usefull………one of the best appliction…….loved it….speical thanxx to the developer who made this appliction…thank u