Recent Safum Free VPN reviews : Page 718

  • 28.8.2018

    Thank you so much!!!!! This is the first vpn extension that’s easy to use, doesn’t fail me and most important of all… It actually unblocks websites! Cheers mate! I take my hat of to you.

  • 27.8.2018

    рад что этот впн снова появился, а то он куда то пропал, может блокировали его не знаю, но очень хороший, простой,бесплатный,никакой регистрации и лимитов и стран нормальное количество

  • 25.8.2018

    This is a very useful extension on google Chrome as it allows to access that websites that are not available in specific country.

  • 25.8.2018

    Works right out of the tin no problems in setup also I really like the add-on’s for Firefox and Chrome they always make sure my real ip and hostname are hidden from prying eyes.

  • 25.8.2018

    Superb, funcționează perfect, nu am întâlnit nici un site care să-l depisteze până acum, să aibă ip-urile respective banate sau mai știu eu ce alte tâmpenii ca la alte extensii de genul… /Recomand cu mare încredere! Dar am întâlnit totuși și un mic inconvenient… /Aș aprecia mult dacă ați putea să o faceți să pornească automat odată cu browser-ul! ^.^

  • 25.8.2018

    vamos a probar pero buena presentación, faltan detalles de secure… que tengan un excelente día y gracias por ayudar a cambiarme a nueva ip

  • 23.8.2018

    Loved it! Recently subscribed to purevpn for a month, the service is so good, that I subscribed for more 2 years. This extension is freaking awesome!

  • 21.8.2018

    i go to cyber school (which means im home schooled) but i get a laptop from the school that they send to me so i can go to school and only school. my friend told me about ultra surf and omg! it works so amazingly! Barracuda doesnt pop up anymore (unless its turned off) and while im in class thanks to US i can watch netflix,youtube,playgames,ect!

  • 21.8.2018

    Отличное расширение. Впервые нашёл впн с хорошей скоростью и стабильный. А до этого никак не мог выкачать свои файлы из облака майлру, даже через знаменитый впн встроенный в опере. Так что спасибо разработчикам за это приложение.

  • 17.8.2018

    Works as described for me. I have the program on my desktop and the app on my chromebook so I feel pretty safe wherever I am working.